Financia su pequeña empresa en Nueva York

Online NY, United States

Esta clase proporcionará orientación para las empresas interesadas en solicitar préstamos y subvenciones. Además de proporcionar una visión general de las opciones de financiamiento disponibles, compartiremos consejos a considerar antes […]


Business Finance 2: Planning for Profitability

Online NY, United States

Every entrepreneur is in business to make profits, but only some do. A critical step to success is creating the financial plan that will guide your business to profitability. The […]


Meet the Lender: Grow America

Online NY, United States

Have you been wondering how to get money to start or grow your business? Do you know how to ask for financing? If you have been asking yourself these questions […]


Launch Your Business With Customer-Focused Marketing

Online NY, United States

As a new entrepreneur, you’ll need more than good products or services to grow your business. It’s also important to have strong customer-focused marketing strategies to reach your audience and […]


How Do We Get Customers?

How do we get customers? Well, first thing is first - you need to know what customers you’re going after! We will talk about Market Sizing and why it’s not just something that investors are checking off their list. We will then talk about how you acquire those customers through Growth Channels. About the Speaker […]


Veteran’s Loan Program Info Session

Online NY, United States

Are you a veteran entrepreneur or a family member looking to grow your business? Discover the benefits of reduced-interest rate business loans designed specifically for veterans like you. Join our […]


Ready, Set, Go!

About the Webinar: Ready, Set, Go! is a 90-minute free workshop that covers all the things you need to think about when going into business.  It provides a general overview […]


How Do We Make Money?

You have the customers. You have the growth. Now, you need to figure out how to make money. We will go through some monetization models and also share how they […]


Quickbooks Online

Online NY, United States

Bookkeeping is essential in every business, large and small. This six-hour, hands-on course will teach you how to use QuickBooks Online, and will review the purpose and benefits of bookkeeping […]


How Do I Know If I’m Profitable?

You have growth. You have customers. Now you need to know - am I profitable? Here, we will introduce you to the costs of your business. We will define Costs […]

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