How to Create a Winning Video Pitch?

​Join the Queens Economic Development Corporation with Nina Fiore on how to create a winning a video pitch to your potential investors and customers. You will learn how to communicate […]

Free Contract Formation Presentation

Attention NYC-Based Small Business Owners: Interested in Contracts? Join the Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project for a Free Contract Formation Presentation on Wednesday, February 8th from 4:00 – 5:30 PM. Held […]


Ready, Set, Go!

About the Webinar:
Ready? Set. Go! is a 90-minute free workshop that takes you all the things you need to think about when going into business.  It provides a general overview of what it takes to start a business; legal considerations and what it takes to fund a new venture. 

About the Speakers:
Thomas Farrell is a lawyer with a great deal of experience with contracts, employment matters, and regulatory compliance. He offers a combination of programs and practices to owners of small- and medium-sized businesses, largely designed to prevent them from being sued or from being investigated by government agencies.

Roy Pellicano ran an IT services company for over 15 years working with small and mid-sized businesses across all industries, from the single computer Mom & Pop to the 63 location company. In addition to supporting IT, Roy advises business teams developing and implementing strategy across the business lifecycle from start-up to exit, including how to implement business and technology transformation.


Deducciones Fiscales para Pequeñas Empresas – 2022

Les invitamos a un seminario web gratuito, dirigido por una profesional en impuestos de pequeños negocios. Los temas a tratar incluyen: Las 25 principales deducciones para pequeñas empresas Cómo funcionan las deducciones […]


Prime Skills Virtual Information Session

The Queens Economic Development Corporation & The HOPE Program partner to offer Prime Skills - a no-cost, eight-week entrepreneurship training program to help NYC residents launch and maintain a successful […]

Classes are sponsored by the Small Business Association.

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