Marketing and Sales Manual

This is class #3 in TEES. In this class, you will receive a college level, accounting 101 understanding of business finance. You will gain a foundation of numbers and accounting principles that enables you to build, read and analyze financial statements within minutes. By the end of the class, you will be taking charge of […]


COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program Webinar

Did your small business have extra expenses as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic? If you can answer YES to the following questions, you may qualify for a CASH TAX REFUND* of up to $25,000 from New York State’s new COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program! Do you need support to begin the application process […]


Get Business From NYC and NYS Government: M/WBE Certification

Learn about getting certified as a Minority / Woman-owned Business Enterprise with NYC & NYS, what you will need to do to obtain government contracts, and how you can leverage your certification to get more business. This class will be conducted over Zoom. Links will be sent out the day of the class. About the […]


Seminario de Capacitacion sobre Licencias para Contratistas de Mejoras del Hogar

Esta clase virtual con duración de dos días prepara a los participantes para rendir el examen de la licencia de contratistas de mejoras del hogar en la ciudad de Nueva York. También ayudará a los participantes a preparar su solicitud para esta licencia. La clase cubrirá los siguientes temas: Leyes de comercio y de seguridad para el mejoramiento del […]

Get Business From NYC and NYS Government: M/WBE Certification

Learn about getting certified as a Minority / Woman-owned Business Enterprise with NYC & NYS, what you will need to do to obtain government contracts, and how you can leverage your certification to get more business.About the Speaker Since coming to QEDC, Ricardi Calixte has worked with many neighborhoods’ business organizations to help improve the […]


NELP Small Business Remote Legal Clinic

The Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project's small business legal clinics are an opportunity for entrepreneurs to receive free legal advice during a 45-minute consultation with a volunteer attorney. Please complete the form below so that we can gather more information from you and attempt to match your legal needs with a volunteer attorney on the day […]

Ready, Set, Go!

About the Webinar: Ready, Set, Go! is a 90-minute free workshop that covers all the things you need to think about when going into business.  It provides a general overview of what it takes to start a business; legal considerations and what it takes to fund a new venture. About the Speakers: Thomas Farrell is […]


QEDC Summer Networking

Catch up with colleagues, make new friends and learn about QEDC's fall programs! Enjoy snacks provided by two Queens Night Market Vendors and beverages from the cash bar! Join Queens […]


Financial Fundamentals

This is class #3 in TEES. In this class, you will receive a college level, accounting 101 understanding of business finance. You will gain a foundation of numbers and accounting […]


Ready for Bu$ine$$ (Español)

LISTOS PARA EMPRENDER UN NUEVO NEGOCIO Clase gratuita de ingles con énfasis en Negocios / Educación Financiera para estudiantes de habla hispana que estan buscando iniciar o expandir su pequeño negocio. Del […]

Ready, Set, Go!

About the Webinar: Ready, Set, Go! is a 90-minute free workshop that covers all the things you need to think about when going into business.  It provides a general overview […]


Classes are sponsored by the Small Business Association.

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