Ready for Bu$ine$$ (Español)

LISTOS PARA EMPRENDER UN NUEVO NEGOCIO Clase gratuita de ingles con énfasis en Negocios / Educación Financiera para estudiantes de habla hispana que estan buscando iniciar o expandir su pequeño negocio. Del […]

Financial Fundamentals

This is class #3 in TEES. In this class, you will receive a college level, accounting 101 understanding of business finance. You will gain a foundation of numbers and accounting principles that enables you to build, read and analyze financial statements within minutes. By the end of the class, you will be taking charge of […]


Queens Tech + Innovation Challenge Kick Off Night

Are you a Queens-based entrepreneur that has a great business but needs money to take it the next level? The Queens Tech + Innovation Challenge is here to help! Through a series of classes and mentorship, our program prepares people with great businesses like you to compete and win one of five grants up to […]

Legal Clinic

A small business virtual legal clinic will be held over Zoom in partnership with the Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project. Registration is required. This event will provide microentrepreneurs with FREE personalized legal advice on business-related matters from volunteer attorneys during a 45-minute consultation. Consultations are available at 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Small Business legal topics covered […]

2024 Queens Tech + Innovation Challenge Info Session

Presented by the Queens Borough President Donovan Richards and Queens Economic Development Corporation, the 2024 Queens Tech + Innovation Challenge is designed to help early-stage entrepreneurs grow their businesses with five $20K grants, access to industry experts and founder network. Its flexible schedule allows participants to join at any time between October 2022 to February […]

Ready, Set, Go!

About the Webinar: Ready, Set, Go! is a 90-minute free workshop that covers all the things you need to think about when going into business.  It provides a general overview of what it takes to start a business; legal considerations and what it takes to fund a new venture. About the Speakers: Thomas Farrell is […]


Todos Somos, Somos Uno: We Are All, We Are One

Join us on October 12, 2023, as we come together to celebrate the vibrant tapestry of Hispanic culture during Hispanic Heritage Month. This event promises to be an enriching experience that honors the rich traditions, contributions, and achievements of the Hispanic community in New York. Our celebration will feature captivating cultural presentations, inspiring speakers, and […]

The Future of AI for Startups

????You’ve probably used ChatGPT or some other AI tools at this point. But do you know what a large language model is and how it can be used to improve your startup business? In this workshop, Jesse Bornstein and José María, co-founders of will be talking about how large language models work, the impact […]


Get Business From NYC and NYS Government: M/WBE Certification

Learn about getting certified as a Minority / Woman-owned Business Enterprise with NYC & NYS, what you will need to do to obtain government contracts, and how you can leverage your certification to get more business. About the Speaker Since coming to QEDC, Ricardi Calixte has worked with many neighborhoods’ business organizations to help improve […]


Equity Distribution and Founder Agreement

Do you know how ownership of a company is divided among multiple founders or business owners in the early stage? What are the key factors that you should consider when preparing or signing a founder agreement. What are the different types of equity and agreements out there? This workshop will answer these questions and more!

Classes are sponsored by the Small Business Association.

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